• http://www.wave-net.ca/administrator/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&layout=edit&id=9#
  • Great Websites

    Amazing web apps.

The Retail Industry

     Create a modern vibe for your establishment!


Mall Administration & Guest Services


  • Showcase all stores and promote new stores opening soon
  • Display the mall layout with a list of stores
  • Educate and inform customers about loyalty programs
  • Promote mall shopping gift cards
  • Promote mall offers
  • Free or paid advertising for stores, vendors, other neighboring businesses
  • Reduce print-cost
  • Showcase any Holiday events happening at the mall
  • List all services offered: stroller rental, shopping cart rental, daycare services, play areas…





Retail Shops




  • Bring your store’s design to life with an enticing digital display
  • Create stand-out, point of sale display
  • Showcase your latest collection and a preview of upcoming collection
  • Increase foot-traffic by installing store window displays
  • Educate and inform clients about loyalty programs and promotions
  • Promote store gift cards


Digital signage displays transform your static, boring store into an exciting dynamic location   for shoppers.

Attract new shoppers by installing touch screens in storefronts and enable them to interact   with content such as product information, social media pages, and daily deals.